The distant future. The year 2020.You and your comrades are a syndicate of heavily armed taxi drivers in RADIUM CITY, a failed experiment in social control, now wracked with violence.Your goal: take passengers and packages around the city and save up enough money to get a keycard for the only exit to the outside world...
//~note: GRIDLOCK is still kind of under construction. There will be more stuff added here in future. }{ You will need a copy of STAY FROSTY to make use of this material. }{ Stay Frosty uses 'inverted' stats: lower is better. Keep that in mind when reading GRIDLOCK! ~// This game is made possible by the kind support of my Patreon backers. ¬//
Get your motor running.
Test drive your cab
Click here for dashboard sheetRoll 3d6 four times in order for your car’s Attributes: Speed, Handling, Toughness, StyleSpeed and Handling sub for Dexterity in saves called for in Stay Frosty.
Toughness stands in for Brawn.
Style stands in for Brains or Willpower.For every 5 points of Toughness, detail one vulnerability, e.g. exposed wheels (or gravpods or whatever); exposed power unit; no roof; fragile electronics.For every 3 points of Style below 20, detail one thing that makes your taxicab look cool, e.g. rad paint job; underbody neon; chrome exhausts; license plate says FRESH; dice in mirror.
Handling | Chassis |
18 | Alegro |
17 | Robyn |
16 | Riiva |
15 | Deux-Chevaux |
14 | Travant |
13 | Cyvic |
12 | Beatle |
11 | Eskort |
10 | SUV |
9 | Crown Confort |
8 | Black Cab |
7 | Beamer |
6 | Merk |
5 | Lanser |
4 | Alpha |
3 | Delta Rally |
Speed | Power Unit |
18 | Reliable Straight 4 |
17 | DK Two-Stroke |
16 | VAZ I-4 |
15 | E-Series 95 |
14 | B.U.G. H4 |
13 | Alpha V6 |
12 | Elan Twin-Cam I-4 |
11 | Walter Hemi D |
10 | Charger V8 |
9 | Falcon V8 Supercharged |
8 | Toreador V12 Type 1 |
7 | Scuderia 113 Flat 12 |
6 | Toreador V12 Type 2 |
5 | Leopard V12 Turbo |
4 | Stuttgart Flat 12 Type-917 |
3 | Scuderia V12 Lampredi |
Choose a trait for your driver
(extra starting gear)
Cyber: advantage to hack computers/electronics (wrist comp)
Mechanic: advantage on Toughness roll to repair vehicles and amount repaired (toolkit)
Medic: advantage on healing rolls (medpack)
Urban Expert: advantage when gathering info; reroll 1s on fare rolls
Veteran: advantage on one damage roll per fight, ignore one Tension Explodes result per day
Warrior: reroll 1s on damage rolls (SAW or flamer)Hit Points: d6+10
Starting cash: your lowest stat x $100Standard Setup
2 armour points
Front-mounted assault rifle (1 ammo die)
1 ration
Fuel (1d6 gear die)But what about ME? What about MY stats?
If your driver gets out of the car (never get out of the car), presume that the car takes after its owner - use the same stats, with Handling standing for agility and dexterity, Style for luck and eloquence, persuading your passenger to help out, etc.CHARACTER CREATION EXAMPLE
Paul is a new taxi driver on the streets of Radium City. First we take his cab for a spin to see what it’s like, rolling 3d6 in order for the 4 attributes. We get:
Speed 10+
Handling 6+
Toughness 7+
Style 12+It’s a Cyvic with an exposed Walter Hemi D power unit, a massive spoiler on the back and lilac underbody neon.Paul himself is a Mechanic, so he starts with a toolkit in the car.
The car has 15 hit points, 2 armour points, and a front-mounted assault rifle with one d8 box of ammo.
Like in Stay Frosty, but roll Style for initiative and the following actions are available for vehicles - you get two per turn:
Attempt Tail: roll Speed to tail a target at Close or Short range. If you are successful, you are now tailing the target until shaken off. If using range markers, place the tailing vehicle’s marker behind the target to show this.
Shake Tail: roll Handling to lose the Tailed status from one enemy.
Vehicle Attack: roll Handling for a ranged attack or Toughness for contact. If tailing, you have advantage. If the roll is successful, roll damage.
Change Range alter your range relative to all hostiles. PCs do this to themselves, NPCs alter the range of one PC of the GM’s choice.
Move the Action to an adjacent sector.
Pick Up/Drop Off Passenger
The Powerful Opponents rule does not apply in GRIDLOCK, because PCs don’t level up.Movement
The move action in Stay Frosty is replaced by two possible actions in GRIDLOCK: Move the Action and Change Range. In vehicle combat, you’re not moving from one particular place to another - everyone’s zooming around all the time, jockeying for position and trying to shoot or ram someone else, or avoid that happening to them. So your “range” is considered relative to all hostiles: it represents whether you’re mixing it up and sideswiping people, or keeping your distance to line up the right shot at the right moment.Move the Action lets you force the battle over to a different area of the map (useful when the clock is ticking). Change Range is what you use to get into position for the weapon you want to use.Damage & Death
When a PC vehicle is reduced to 0 Hit Points, extra damage is added to a random Attribute.
A vehicle with 0 Hit Points is out of the fight. If any Attribute reaches 21, the vehicle is totalled.When a car is totalled, roll d6 for the driver and any passengers:
1 Dead
2 Critically injured: get them to a hospital within 1d6 x 5 minutes to save their life.
3 Critically injured and lose a random limb if they survive.
4 Critically injured and lose an eye/finger/ear if they survive.
5/6 School of Hard Knocks: gain one of the following traits - Urban Expert, Warrior or VeteranIf you survive, get a new car from a dealership or ride shotgun. Cabs with someone riding shotgun have disadvantage on Style rolls.
Vehicle Weapons
Type | Damage | Range | Ammo Die | Special | Cost |
Assault Rifle | 2d6 | Medium | d8 | - | 120 |
Auto Pistol* | 1d10 | Short | d8 | agile | 100 |
Combat Spikes | 1d8 | Contact | - | - | 80 |
Flamer | 2d6 | Close | d6 | Blast, terror | 120 |
Grenade Launcher | 3d6 | Close | d4 | AP1, blast | 180 |
LAW | 5d6 | Long | single use | AP4, HW | 300 |
Ramming | 1d4 | Contact | - | - | |
SAW | 2d8 | Medium | d8 | suppress | 160 |
Shotgun* | 3d6 | Medium | d8 | spread | 180 |
Sniper | 2d10 | Long | d8 | AP2, large | 200 |
Stun Bumpers | 1d8 | Contact | - | stun | 100 |
*handheld by driver, cannot benefit from tailingStandard vehicle weapons may be:
Front-mounted (disadvantage except when tailing)
Rear-mounted (disadvantage except when tailed)
Turret-/pintle-mounted (fire them any way you like, but you can’t drive at the same time)
The cycle of play is like this: the PCs drive about looking for fares, trying to get money to buy a pass out of Radium City. Sooner or later one of them gets attacked and the others might rush over to help them (moving one sector is one combat action, remember).When the GM gets bored, the mission-givers come into play and offer the PCs a risky shortcut to fame and fortune and not having to live in Radium City.
When you look for a fare/delivery job, roll a d4, d6, d8, d12 and d20.
d4 = journey distance
d6 = the Danger Die
d8 = time limit
d12 = a tenth of the basic fare (multiply by pickup location’s security level and add a 0 on the end to get the basic fare)
d20 = a Style check. If successful, you may re-roll one of the other dice.Journey Distance is how many sectors you must travel to the drop-off point.
Danger Die is like in Stay Frosty with minor alterations (see below).
Time Limit is the urgency of the journey: every time you run down the clock, move the Time Limit die down one face; when you can’t lower it any further, lower the d12 Fare die instead. Things that run down the clock: travel to an adjacent sector; travel to a different location in the same sector; a combat round; other things found in encounter tables etc.
Fare is split as follows: 100% of the sum to the driver who makes the delivery; 50% to each other driver in the same taxi syndicate.After you deliver (or eject) a fare, roll your fuel die.
At the end of each session, you owe RC$100 to the owner of your taxi permit. If you don’t pay it, they confiscate your cab.
Danger Die
1 Encounter + Tension increases by 1
2 Encounter (in danger zones) or Consume 1 ration (in safe zones)
3 Clue/Item/Environment
4 Stress: Tension increases by 1
5 Consumables Depleted/Effects End
6 Tension Explodes!
things to buy
* All prices are given in Radium City dollars, a freely convertible monetary unit pegged to a basket of currencies including the nuyen, eurodollar, and San Theodoran pataca. *Item (Amount) Price
Fuel (1d6) 100
Ration (1) 20
Smokes (1d8) 10 - use to lower Tension by 1
Coffee (1d6) 5 - use to raise Tension by 1
Blue keycard (1) 500
Green keycard (1) 1,000
Red keycard (1) 2,000
Golden keycard (1) 5,000
Cyber eyes/ears (1 pair) 1,000
Cybernetic limb (1) 1,000
Toolkit (1) 200 - advantage on repair/scrap rollsArmour upgrade (1 armour pt) [New total armour x 1000]
HP upgrade (d6 HP) [current max HP x 100]
Attribute upgrade (1) [(20 - current stat) x 100]Repairs (varies) HP x 2, attribute points x 10. Roll Toughness to make your own repairs for free (once per post-combat, restores 1d6 hp on success/1hp on a fail).New car (1) 400 for an old wreck with 4d6 in each attribute (but max 18), 2d6hp and no fitted weapons. Other options vary by dealership.
These are always hostile. If you want ot meet someone friendly or at least non-hostile, seek out a cafe, garage or other fixed establishment.Before each session, the GM prepares a bag full of toy cars and other vehicles. When an encounter comes up on the Danger Die roll, they pull out one random vehicle at a time and match it to one of the Hostile profiles below, repeating this until they have a number of HD in the encounter equal to the current location’s Security Level x 2.Example: A PC rolls an encounter on the Danger Die in a grey (Security Level 1) sector. The GM reaches into the bag of cars, pulls out a toy Peugeot 205 and decides it’s a flashy street racer (see below). This 2HD is double the Security Level, so no more vehicles are drawn.Example 2: A PC rolls an encounter on the Danger Die in a grey (Security Level 1) sector. The GM reaches into the bag of vehicles and pulls out a toy tanker truck. Instinct suggests this is a Red Dragon War-Rig, but that would be too many HD. The GM decides to make it equivalent to a School-Run Range Rover but drop the HD to 2.
Waspa scooter: 1HD, A0, Pistol 1d6, Speed +5, Handling -2, Toughness +5.Dire Wolf bike: 4HD, A0, Shotgun 3d6 spread.School-run Range Rover: 3HD, A1, front-mounted combat spikes 1d8, Handling +1, Toughness -1.Goblin hatchback: 1HD, A1, Front-mounted assault rifle 2d6, Speed +2.Flashy street racer: 2HD, A1, Front-mounted assault rifle 2d6/Combat spikes 1d8. Speed -2, Handling -2, Toughness +2, Style -2.Corporate Operations Patrol Service squad car: 2HD, A2, Turret assault rifle 2d6/Stun bumpers 1d8 stun.Battle Bus: 5HD, A3, 2 x Machine gun 3d6/Flamer 2d6, Speed +5, Handling +2, Toughness -5
Special: multiple crew - 3 attacks/roundRed Dragon War-Rig: 8HD, A4, 2 x Mini turrets 1d8/1 x Chain gun 4d8/1x Megaflamer turret, Speed +2, Handling +3, Toughness -5
Special: multiple crew - 3 attacks/round; Megaflamer works up to 3x per day. All caught in the area (from Contact up to Short range) suffer damage equal to the Red Dragon’s current HP (Handling/Dexterity save for half).
Something in the water does not compute
Why so many hostile encounters in Radium City? Some time after the seal-off, PanoptiCorp added a chemical to the water supply in order to test out a range of new combat drugs for its ‘Mad Dog’ super-soldier programme, though it was described in press releases as a mood suppressor designed to weed out only a small number of antisocial troublemakers. The programme was ended 3 hours after activation, as the PanoptiCorp R&D board switched the funding to a new hunter-killer drone that could detect weddings from beyond the horizon. The effect on the population of Radium City, however, remains. Around 50% are affected by occasional (sometimes once in a lifetime) murderous rages, while a beleaguered 1% are permanently enraged.
City Streets
Radium City is divided into numerous walled-off districts. Each has a Security Level, starting at 1 for the basic, most derelict areas where the mass population lives and going up to 4, according to publicly available data. When the Stay Frosty rules refer to ‘level’, e.g. as a multiplier for Tension Explodes results, use the level of the district you are in.Typically, you need a blue keycard to get into a level 2 district, green for level 3, and red for level 4. Gates to leave Radium City, if any exist, are most assuredly Security Level 5 or higher, requiring a golden keycard.Each district contains 9, 16 or 25 sectors, square blocks of buildings with major highways running between them and secondary roads within.
Every sector has at least one of the following:
- Bar
- All-nite diner
- Convenience store
- Video rental
- Coffin hotelAnd one of the following (roll 1d6)
1. Gun shop (personal & vehicle ranged weapons)
2. Auto repair (Speed, Handling, Toughness, HP upgrades)
3. Emergency ward (urgent medical care)
4. Car dealership (new vehicles)
5. Custom garage (Style upgrades)
6. Failed hub (Roll 1d10 or choose: 1. STEM 2. Startups 3. TCM 4. Elective surgery 5. Legal arbitration 6. Innovation as a general concept 7. Telecommunications 8. Non-challenging art 9. Banking 10. Property speculation)(Don’t map these out in advance, just roll when someone goes looking for a new car or whatever.)
Tickets to Freedom
It’s technically possible for drivers to grind their way to the keycards they need to get out, but that’s a long way off. If you’re the GM, you need to provide shortcuts in the form of special missions from shadowy figures who, every now and then on a Clue/Item Danger Die result, offer keycards for the whole syndicate as a reward.The nature of those missions - especially the nature of the ones that the drivers accept - determines the nature of your GRIDLOCK game.
They might be covert deliveries for the Resistance, convoy robberies for the Ruritanian Mafia, detective work to get dirt on a sleazy PanoptiCorp exec’s rival, or maybe some nonsense involving wizards.“They hit this morning. Four black Cyvics. Shipping container from Japan. DVDs. Playstations. Notebook computers. Insured for a million seven."In a one-shot, run one or two normal fares, then give each player a level one mission from a different faction and let the syndicate choose which one they want to try, if any.In a multi-session game, introduce one mysterious stranger with a lucrative mission either at the very end of session 1 as a cliffhanger, or around the midpoint so that the group has time to complete the mission.
PanoptiCorp Exec missionsSports!
Job: Pick up PanoptiCorp junior exec Alfred Hailstrom nearby in your taxi and kidnap him: deliver him to a warehouse 6 sectors away so that your employer can exact revenge for Hailstrom thoughtlessly spilling Amarula Cream on his autographed Huey Lewis cassette.
Contact person: Andrew Bateson
Payout: $2000 and some light condescension
Hostiles: as generated by Danger Die, plus 3 C.O.P.S. squad cars if Hailstrom manages to alert someone to his kidnapping.Rock Paper Scissors Shoe
[unlocks with Blue Keycard]
Job: Deliver the new shipment of Panopti ALIEN 2 limited edition sneakers to four stores, each five sectors away in a different direction, as quickly as possible, to undercut the launch of a slightly different limited edition sneaker from a slightly different branch of PanoptiCorp that’s happening today. One crate of shoes to each store.
Contact person: Linda Panopti (she changed her name to the company’s in exchange for an internship)
Payout: $2000 per crate of shoes delivered
Hostiles: as generated by Danger DieDistraction Engine [unlocks with Green Keycard]
Job: Steal a COPS squad car and make the law chase you for long enough for Linda to sneak into the security facility and get up to something or other that she refuses to disclose.
Contact person: Linda Panopti
Payout: $20,000
Hostiles: as generated by Danger Die, plus 1d2-1 COPS squad cars every round
Linda’s progress: start with a d6 supply die. Roll it at the end of each round. When the die disappears (rolls 1 or 2 on 1d4), the PCs can now escape from the COPS without forfeiting their fee.Destroy the Prototypes [unlocks with Red Keycard]
Job: Destroy or steal four vehicles being used to test an experimental mind-control device developed by a rival PanoptiCorp department (Health & Lifestyle).
Contact person: Andrew Bateson
Payout: $40,000
Hostiles: as Danger Die, plus the targets: a Goblin, a street racer, a COPS squad car, a battle bus.Resistance missions
Spirit of Radio
Job: Rewire the PanoptiCorp radio mast two sectors over so that it broadcasts Resistance Radio. Your contact, Michelle, will pay you when you get back.
Contact person: Michelle
Payout: $2000, when you return having completed the mission.
Hostiles: one C.O.P.S. squad car near the mast; three of them as soon as you finish rewiring.
Radio mast rewiring mechanics: make a Handling save; roll the Danger Die alongside each attempt.Counterstrike
[unlocks with Blue Keycard]
Job: Destroy one C.O.P.S. squad car per PC, livestreaming the destruction as it happens.
Contact person: Michelle
Payout: $3000, when you return having completed the mission.Assassin Intercept
[unlocks with Green Keycard]
Job: Drive a squad of two Resistance fighters per PC to a location 10 blocks away to capture or kill an assassin hired by PanoptiCorp to take out the Resistance leader, El Jefe. [On arrival, the fighters run into a crumbling apartment block. Roll 1d6 - a 6 means the Resistance fighters capture or kill the Assassin. Otherwise, the Assassin makes a break for it in a cool car, and the result of 1 to 5 shows how many of the fighters died in the attempt. Each player must describe a feature that makes the Assassin's car look way cool.]
Contact person: Michelle
Payout: $4000, when one or more of the Resistance fighters return having completed the mission.
Hostiles: The Assassin (4HD, A4, Turret assault rifle 2d6/Concealed spikes 1d8.)Ruritanian Mafia missions
Freeway Hijack
Job: There’s a truck coming down Elevated Freeway 6 in a few hours carrying a cargo of valuable electronics - 20 crates of TVs with built-in VHS players. Your contact, Rupert, will give you blue keycards so you can get onto the freeway (security level 2). Try not to wreck the truck, because you can only carry one crate in each of your taxis. Maybe there’s a non-destructive way to get the crates off?
Payout: $100 per crate recovered, plus you can keep the blue keycards.
Truck stats: 4HD, A2, Combat spikes 1d8/Rearward defence guns 2d10 (short, attacks tailing vehicles only). Speed +1, Handling +3, Toughness -2.
Jumping onto a moving truck mechanics: get to Contact range, roll Style.[Ruritanian Mafia missions to be continued....]
Failed hubs
In the two decades before it was finally sealed off, Radium City’s developed a kind of obsession with making the city a ‘regional hub’ for all kinds of things: lightbulb manufacturing, tourism, currency speculation, extreme sports. You name it, Radium City set aside a zone for it and poured money into real-estate developments dedicated to it at inflated prices, to funnel money into the developers’ pockets. The legacy of this mania is a range of derelict hub projects, some with a few vestigial enterprises clinging on in the decaying husks of office buildings and industrial parks.This is where you can use existing hexcrawls, dungeons, etc. Simply increase the dimensions where needed so that the corridors are big enough for two vehicles to pass, and convert gp to Radium City dollars in the treasure. As for the monsters: you know how in Romeo + Juliet, Benvolio says ‘Put up your Swords’ and then there’s a close up of someone’s gun and it says ‘Sword 9mm’? Do that. The Bugbears and the Orcs are now street gangs, or perhaps those are the names of the gangs’ motorbikes. Your call. A dragon is some crazy flamethrower-equipped Fury Road-style battle truck. You get the idea.Use HD and attack damage directly. Light armour becomes A1, heavy armour A2. Fast things Speed -2/-5, big things Toughness -2/-5, agile things Handling -2/-5. And the opposite for slow, weak or ungainly things.Suggested failed hubs: Zenopus Dessert Wine Transhipment Port Zone (Holmes D&D sample dungeon); Sleepy Bear Culture and Arts Park (Slumbering Ursine Dunes); Podmax Puppet Innovation Hub (Through Ultan's Door)
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The Mechanic : You'd have yourself a real street-sweeper here if you put a little work into it.
G.T.O. : I go fast enough.
The Driver : You can never go fast enough.
Thank you
The Mechanic : You'd have yourself a real street-sweeper here if you put a little work into it.G.T.O. : I go fast enough.The Driver : You can never go fast enough.